Fahmidan Journal / Issue 18
I wanted this to be a sonnet
By LuÃs Costa
he is waiting for the porridge to cool down
while I expect the thickness of the morning
to dissipate. only one of us will get what they
want. in a light-second he’ll ask what’s wrong.
I may have to explain that he is just a comet,
like many others before him whose fires
I chased since the nights got cold. I dissolve
his sugar in my tea. I speak of things that exist
even further away instead, like neutron stars;
hoping he understands what it means to bear
the density of loss, how every meal is a séance.
he doesn’t, he pours the milk. our table is a black
hole that swallows everything: grief, breakfast, love —

LuÃs Costa
Author /
LuÃs Costa (he/they) is the author of Two Dying Lovers Holding a Cat (Fourteen Poems). His poems are available or forthcoming in Queerlings, Stone of Madness, Roi Fainéant, Visual Verse, Boats Against The Current, Anthropocene, the anthology He/She/They/Us (Pan Macmillan), and elsewhere. He holds a PhD from Goldsmiths and lives in London, but you can find him on social media @captainiberia.