Fahmidan Journal / Issue 17
Nuanced Survival
by Sol Sigrid Smulhay
We have forgotten that
this body is a bullet train.
Springing from the chest
are the rib cages that carry
armors for the lung. Melanin
is not an accidental painted
ink on this lifemap. Every
body part is a gift for the
future. Every future is not
the perfect resemblance,
it is merely survival that
flourishes the nuanced
strands. How long until
survival is the only path
allowed at the stands?
Sol Sigrid Smulhay
Author /
Sol Sigrid Sumalhay is an Internationally published author and poet. She is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of International Studies, an admirer of unconventional writings, and a literacy advocate. Birthed in the nurtured lands of Mindanao, she articulates & expresses her ideas and motivations by fleshing out her thoughts through poetry. Sol established her writing platform online through Medium and has been published in various online journals. Bottled Stars is her first officially published poetry collection.